Filiamovia participates in affiliate programs. Buying through partner links involves no additional fees, while we receive a small commission. The opinions contained in this blog are solely our own and we do not accept compensation for our reviews.
To collaborate with us, request our mediakit and portfolio at [email protected]

What can we do for you?
- Promotion of destinations, accomodation facilities, initiatives and projects through our blog and our social channels
- Products reviews in line with our content, personally tested to give concrete feedback to our followers
- Photos and videos designed to enhance the content of the posts
- Social media marketing during and after the project, including live sharing through Instagram stories
- Digital storytelling

Some statistic
- Over 500 unique visitors per month on our blog
- More than 12,000 people reached on social media
Talk about us
- Rolling Pandas: our interview - 2019
- Live interview on Radio RTL 102.5 News - 2022